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Developers have known about Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) for a while now. Starting from November, planning applications will only be approved if the development can demonstrate a minimum biodiversity net gain of 10% compared to the pre-development state. Some developers have already prepared, but many others haven't. The Environmental Act 2021 makes Biodiversity Net Gain mandatory from November 2023. But how exactly do you measure biodiversity? The answer is Metric 4.0, a standard developed by Natural England. It is used by various stakeholders, including developers, local authorities, and government departments responsible for England's environment. If you're not ready for Biodiversity Net Gain, what can you do? When should you start preparing? And who can you seek help from? As a developer, you know that obtaining planning permission is a key step in the development process. From November 2023, Biodiversity Net Gain becomes another requirement for planning permission. You must have an approved BNG plan to proceed. There are no shortcuts. Creating a BNG plan involves conducting a biodiversity survey of the site before work begins, valuing the habitat and determining the biodiversity value after completion. The survey results will inform the steps needed to achieve the 10% net gain target. The plan must outline how and where replacement habitats will be created, how they will be maintained or improved over 30 years, and who will manage them. A mitigation hierarchy is crucial to minimize biodiversity loss and determine the offset required to reach the 10% gain. Biodiversity offsets, measurable conservation outcomes, compensate for a project's biodiversity impacts. It is advisable to seek assistance from professional advisers, local authorities, landowners, or land brokers to find and purchase biodiversity credits. The price of biodiversity credits varies, depending on factors like habitat type, species richness, physical condition, and distance from the development site. The government offers Statutory Credits as a last resort, but they typically cost double due to the Spatial Risk Multiplier. Responsible Bodies, which consist of individuals or establishments, may also be consultees during the approval process. Starting the BNG process early is essential due to the lengthy approval process. Once your BNG plan is approved in principle, you must secure biodiversity credits, show how habitat will be managed for 30 years, and submit the plan for final approval before seeking planning permission. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at We can provide tailored suggestions and guidance for starting your BNG plan. For more information, visit: