How To Create a Great SoundCloud Ad

Tip and Tools For Creating Effective SoundCloud Audio Ads

Jul 22
5 minute

Creating an audio ad for SoundCloud is an awesome way to connect with a super-engaged audience of music lovers and audiophiles. With SoundCloud’s huge user base, you have the perfect opportunity to amplify your brand, boost engagement, and drive conversions.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft an effective audio ad for SoundCloud, sharing key insights and tools to ensure your campaign rocks

Understanding SoundCloud Advertising

SoundCloud offers several advertising options to cater to different promotional needs. These include both audio and display ads, allowing brands to engage with listeners through various formats. The main types of ads on SoundCloud include:

  1. Audio Ads: These are typically 15 to 30-second spots that play between tracks.
  2. Display Ads: Visual ads that appear on the SoundCloud app or website.
  3. Native and Sponsorship Ads: Customized ads that integrate seamlessly with the listener's experience.

Why Choose SoundCloud for Audio Ads?

SoundCloud is a haven for music enthusiasts who often discover new tracks before they hit mainstream platforms. This makes it an ideal space for brands looking to reach an engaged audience. With precise targeting options—such as geo-targeting, age-based targeting, and even mood-based targeting—you can ensure your ad reaches the right people at the right time.

Steps to Create an Audio Ad for SoundCloud

Creating an audio ad on SoundCloud involves several key steps. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. Set Up Your Advertiser Account

Before you can create an ad, you need to set up an advertiser account on SoundCloud. This involves providing basic information about your business and payment details. You can set up your account by visiting SoundCloud Advertising and reaching out via the contact form.

2. Define Your Campaign Goals

Determine what you want to achieve with your ad. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or promote a specific product or service? Clear objectives will help you tailor your ad content and measure success.

3. Choose Your Ad Format

Select the type of ad that best suits your campaign goals. For audio ads, decide on the length of your spot—15, 30, or 60 seconds.

4. Create Your Audio Content

There are two main approaches to creating your audio ad:

a. DIY Approach: Write your own script, record the audio using software like Audacity, and mix in music and sound effects. This method is cost-effective but requires technical skills.

b. Use a Creative Service: Platforms like Wondercraft offer intuitive tools to create high-quality audio ads. You can use hyper-realistic AI voices, royalty-free music tracks, and sound effects to produce a professional ad. This option simplifies the process and ensures top-notch quality.

5. Define Targeting Criteria

SoundCloud offers advanced targeting options:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location
  • Interests: Music genre, podcast preferences
  • Behavioral: Device usage, listening habits

Choose the criteria that align with your target audience to maximize the impact of your ad.

6. Set Your Budget and Schedule

Decide on your budget and the duration of your campaign. SoundCloud uses a CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) model. For example, a $20 CPM means you pay $20 for every 1,000 impressions. You can start with a minimum budget of $250.

7. Launch and Monitor Your Campaign

Once your ad is ready, launch your campaign. Use SoundCloud’s analytics tools to track performance metrics such as impressions, click-through rates, and conversions. Adjust your campaign as needed to optimize results.

Tips for Creating Effective Audio Ads

  • Keep it Concise: Make your message clear and concise. Aim for a 15-30 second spot.
  • Engage with Storytelling: Use a compelling narrative to capture listeners' attention.
  • Include a Call to Action: Clearly state what you want listeners to do—visit your website, download an app, etc.
  • Use High-Quality Audio: Ensure your ad is professionally produced with clear sound and no background noise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does SoundCloud Have Audio Ads?

Yes, SoundCloud features audio ads that play between tracks. These ads are part of SoundCloud’s revenue-sharing program, where artists and SoundCloud share the revenue generated from ads.

How Much Do SoundCloud Ads Cost?

SoundCloud ads operate on a CPM model. The cost can vary based on targeting options and campaign goals. Generally, a $20 CPM means you pay $20 for every 1,000 impressions. The minimum spend per promotion is typically around $25.

How Do You Promote a Song on SoundCloud?

To promote a song on SoundCloud, use the Promote on SoundCloud tool. This tool allows you to select a public, monetizing track, set a budget, and choose targeting options. Your promoted track will be highly visible on users' homepages and feeds.

Can You Sell Audio on SoundCloud?

Yes, SoundCloud allows you to monetize your tracks. You can enable monetization for each track and sell music directly on the platform. This involves setting up your tracks for revenue sharing and ensuring they meet SoundCloud’s monetization criteria.


Creating an audio ad for SoundCloud is a powerful way to reach a diverse and engaged audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging tools like Wondercraft, you can create high-quality, targeted ads that resonate with listeners and drive your campaign goals.

For more information on creating engaging SoundCloud ads, visit Wondercraft's SoundCloud Ad Creation Page.


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